About Us

What is Omniform?

Omniform is a discipline that integrates mind, body and consciousness to strengthen personal self-expression. It is an Americanized martial art utilizing techniques of Tae Kwon-Do, Boxing, Karate and Yoga.

Purpose of Omniform

The practice of Omniform enables students to realize their physical and mental power; it enhances creative potential while strengthening awareness, self-confidence, and determination.  Our primary initiative is to support all participants to become Black Belts with physical prowess and keen mental aptitude.  Omniform is designed to support each student in recognizing the many aspects that encompass his or her individuality; to recognize that we are conscious beings who have a mind, a body, and circumstances through which we live and express our lives.  Omniform is also designed to foster self development by empowering students to take charge of building their minds, bodies, and behaviors to support their own success.